Misto Forno (Mixed Bake)
Using one large sheet pan - and turning the oven on one time - you create a week's worth of eating options for you and/or your family. It saves time later, uses less electricity/power/heat, etc. and makes use of any ingredients that are hanging out in your refrigerator.
I used to do a version of this when I was in college (although it included pans and pans of brownies), and then I saw it a couple years ago on a Gourmet video with Ruth Riechl (love her!)
Preheat the oven to 350F.
1) On a large parchment covered sheet pan, place vegetables (ie. potatoes, tomatoes, sections of fennel, large pieces of zucchini, squash, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, halved brussel sprouts, onions, etc.) with just a bit a room between them. Drizzle with Olive oil and sprinkle with salt.
Use the roasted veggies cut up in your pasta dishes, or soups or salads. Make a roasted fruit topping for ice cream or easy breakfast crumble with granola. Add roasted potatoes to your egg dishes, or a side for entrees, or scoop out - sprinkle in cheese and broil for twice-baked potato appetizers.
The grocer stores do this, pack them in containers and charge you twice just for cooking them. Just think of how you can spend that extra money, right? I'd love to hear about your ideas and your comments could inspire others. Go forth, and cook up a "mixed bake".
A girl after my own heart. I believe that almost everything tastes better roasted - and I love your idea of throwing everything on the pan and turning on the oven once for the week...great for those of us w/o a/c. Let the roasting begin!
Cowgirl Chef: Always love hearing from you. Yeah, any time I can save some of that extra heat in the kitchen, I'm all about it. :D
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